Hercules European School 2025 – LINXS related
HERCULES is a European course for PhD students and young researchers using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Hard & Soft Condensed Matter.
HERCULES is a European course for PhD students and young researchers using Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for applications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Hard & Soft Condensed Matter.
Welcome to the Swedish Neutron Week 2025! Participation in Neutron Week offers an excellent opportunity to gain a cross-sectional view of current Swedish activities in the field.
Welcome to the ILL Soft Matter Summer School!
The International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS) 2025 is a meeting and discussion place for everyone that uses neutrons as a tool for scientific research and development.
The International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation will be held in Lund in 2025.
SAS2027 returns this series to Europe (Sweden) after SAS2024 in Taiwan.
Europe’s two multinational neutron facilities, warmly invite you to the ILL and ESS European Users Meeting.
Structural biology is key to understanding basic processes of life.
The theme of this year’s meeting is fundamental and applied questions regarding the properties of self-assembled systems in life and materials sciences.
Join XANADU PhD school for a student poster session!
A look into the revolution of new compact accelerator-based neutron sources
Welcome to the 2024 Workshop of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Commission on High Pressure organized and hosted by the European Spallation Source and MAX IV Laboratory. The event will take place in Lund, Sweden.
The Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium (HALRIC) invites you to participate in this second conference for the project, which will gather the 21 partners and key stakeholders in Hamburg, for topical discussions and networking.
Registration is now open for the upcoming workshop on the state-of-the-art MicroMAX beamline at MAX IV.
Welcome to the 18th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering!
Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) is happy to announce that application is open for the 26th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering taking place September 2 - 13, 2024 in Juelich an Garching/Munich, Germany.
Welcome to ESS Data Management and Software Centre (DMSC) Summer School 2024!
Welcome to the MATRAC 2 School in Germany! The school “Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science with special focus on Fundamental Aspects of Materials” is designed to provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of materials.
Welcome to RÅC International Summer School, 1-8 September 2024! This year’s focal theme is X-ray and neutron research on bio-inspired materials and sustainable energy technology
Don’t miss this talk on Deep Eutectic Solvents!
Don’t miss this PhD school on “Small-angle scattering: Principles, data analysis and advanced modeling“!
Don’t miss the “Summer school on biomedical image analysis” in Denmark, 12-16 August!
Welcome to a meeting on Diffraction Methods in Structural Biology at the Harnack Haus in Berlin, Germany!
The NDRA2024 Summer School will illustrate principles, methodologies and most recent applications of neutron detection technologies, and is aimed at PhD students, Post-docs and young researchers with backgrounds in engineering and physics. Welcome to Trento this summer!
Welcome to the 3rd edition of the Training in Neutron Techniques (TNT) on Small Angle Scattering and Reflectometry that will take place in San Giovanni in Valle Aurina (BZ, Italy) from 16th to 21th of June 2024!
Don’t miss the Bombannes 2024 Summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter!
Welcome to the Swedish Neutron Week 2024 in Lund! The purpose of the Neutron Week is to bring together Swedish neutron users, facilities, industry, and funding agencies, to offer an annual event facilitating networking, cooperation and joint actions between the participants.
LIVE from Sweden, we will learn on the power of neutron to disentangle the mystery of Life-Science with Prof. Giovanna Fragneto!
Welcome to a workshop on how to study Earth and Planetary Materials using neutron and X-ray tomography!
The era of one-disease-one-pill is long gone.
Save the date for HELIOS Graduate School, 13-17 May!
Welcome to an information meeting about Lund Nano Lab!
Welcome to an event on fluctuations in soft matter in Stockholm, 8–12 April!
Join HALRIC for an afternoon at the KU Biocenter to learn how Life Science companies and researchers benefit from unique Research Infrastructures!
eSSENCE is happy to present the next in a series of LU eScience-Hub events: Presenting the InfraVis visualisation infrastructure - visualisation experts at your service!
Welcome to a joint event combining a workshop on algorithms for integrative structural biology as well as a CAPRI (protein interactions) meeting in Grenoble, France!