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2nd ESS Data Management and Software Centre Summer School - LINXS related


Read more about the summer school and register here

This summer school is being organised by the European Spallation Source. ESS invites applications for participation to learn about the role of your data, from proposal to publication.

The role of data in neutron scattering is changing, with greater importance being placed on data reduction and analysis, as well as FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) and open data. Therefore, neutron scattering scientists must be trained to understand fully the role that data has in their experiments and how to harness the tools that maximise the value of their data. This summer school will provide that training, covering the full ESS Data Pipeline. 

There will be lectures/workshops on subjects including: 

  • Using Python for scientific computing

  • Data management and the role of data in the beamtime proposal

  • Simulating neutron scattering experiments

  • Modern reduction and analysis of data

  • The importance of scientific metadata and reproducibility

There will also be a tour of the ESS facilities, as well as a poster session. Please include a poster abstract with your application. To ensure a low student-to-teacher ratio, the number of places is limited

When: 1–6 September, 2024

Primary Venue: Data Management and Software Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark

Additional Venue: One day at the ESS facility in Lund, Sweden

Main organisers: European Spallation Source (ESS)