Management - Staff - Board - Scientific Advisory Board - Fellows
LINXS is led by a Management Group with Staff, a Board, and a Scientific Advisory Board. Finally, the work of LINXS would not be possible without the efforts of all its fellows.
LINXS Vice-director
LINXS Vice-Director responsible for the focus area of soft matter. Anna is a Professor at the Division of Physical Chemistry at Lund University specializing on biocolloids studied by scattering techniques. Her current research focuses on the properties of concentrated protein solutions with a particular interest in protein dynamics under crowded conditions. She is a LINXS IPDD Core Group Member, IPDD WG 2 Leader and Dynamics (Legacy theme) Core Group Member.
LINXS Co-Director
LINXS Co-Director responsible for the focus area of hard matter.
Jörgen Larsson is a professor and the head of the division for Atomic Physics at the Dept. of Physics at the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. His research topic is ultrafast dynamics on the timescale of a phonon period in hard condensed matter. He teaches both basic and advanced courses at LTH. He has been responsible for building the beamline FemtoMAX at MAX IV and is a frequent user of Synchrotron radiation facilities (including MAX IV) and Free-electron lasers.
LINXS Co-Director
LINXS Co-Director responsible for the focus area of Life Science. Emanuel works as a Researcher at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine, Lund University. He also works as a Lund University Node Coordinator for InfraVis - a new Swedish National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization with 9 Swedish partner universities, and as Coordinator and Application expert at CIPA – a cross faculty infrastructure for image processing and analysis at Lund University. In addition, he works as a Cross-border Infrastructure Ambassador for the Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium (HALRIC), which is an Interreg project with 20 partner organizations. Emanuel is also a LINXS fellow of the following LINXS Themes - Northern Lights on Food, IPDD and Heritage Science.
Head of Administration
Anna Ntinidou is the head of administration responsible for operations and supporting future strategic and operational development. She is a senior project manager with long experience in implementing EU and nationally funded transdisciplinary projects. She is a civil engineer with a Masters in innovation, speaks five languages and has lived and worked in four European countries .
Head of Administration
Anna Ntinidou is the head of administration responsible for operations and supporting future strategic and operational development. She is a senior project manager with long experience in implementing EU and nationally funded transdisciplinary projects. She is a civil engineer with a Masters in innovation, speaks five languages and has lived and worked in four European countries .
Strategic Development
Martin Stankovski is a project manager at the central Lund University Cooperation Office. He is currently the senior development strategist at LINXS, and has a research background in Solid State Theory.
Activities Coordinator
Josefin supports LINXS operations and is responsible for overall coordination of activities. Josefin has a PhD in planetary geology and experience in using large scale research facilities.
Activities Coordinator
Shandana supports LINXS operations and is responsible for coordinating the institute’s various activities. She has a background in journalism, communications, and event coordination.
Communications Officer
Noomi Egan is responsible for strategic and science communications at LINXS, including the LINXS Newsletter. She also works with press and public relations and communication related to research conferences and events.
Project Manager – AMBER
Camilla works as a project manager at the Cooperation Office, Lund University (LU). At LINXS, she manages the EU cofund project AMBER (Advanced Multiscale Biological imaging with European Research infrastructures).
Camilla has a master’s degree in Business Administration from Lund University, and more than 20 years of working experience in market communication and building relationships. She has work experience from international companies within the pharma industry and commissioned education at Lund University.
LINXS Postdoctoral Fellow
Daniel did his PhD in the research group of Richard Neutze at the University of Gothenburg, focusing on protein structural dynamics of light activated integral membrane proteins, by utilizing time-resolved x-ray solution scattering in conjunction with serial crystallography and molecular dynamics simulations. He will work on furthering the understanding of the molecular basis underlying TTR amyloidogenesis, in a project funded by the LMK foundation. Daniel is also coordinating the Young Researchers’ Initiative - Life Science.
LINXS Postdoctoral Fellow
Sebastian Köhler studied physics in Göttingen, Germany before he continued with his PhD at the Institut Laue Langevin, ILL, in Grenoble. Thus, he has substantial experience of neutron – and X-ray scattering research and techniques. He works in a project delivering a competitive instrument proposal named SAGA for a dedicated Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (GISANS) beamline at ESS, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
Board Chair
Stacey Sörensen is professor in synchrotron radiation research with a strong experimental physics focus in her research on x-ray scattering from molecules. She is a veteran synchrotron scientist, and has carried out experiments at facilities in France, Germany, Japan, United States, Brazil and Sweden. Stacey is presently the director of the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, is on the panel for small quantum systems at the European X-ray Free electron laser and is a member of the Swedish-German Röntgen-Ångström Cluster and the scientific advisory board of the French synchrotron SOLEIL in Saint Aubin. Stacey was pro vice chancellor for research and research infrastructures 2015-2021, and previously was Dean of research at the Science faculty at Lund university.
Board Member
Jonas Larsson received his MD (1999) and PhD (2002) from Lund University and did his postdoctoral training as an EMBO fellow at Harvard Medical School 2004-2006. He established his own laboratory at the Lund Stem Cell Center in 2006 and was appointed Professor of Molecular Medicine in 2016. His research is focused on the biology and of blood stem cells and the development of new treatment paradigms for blood disorders. Dr. Larsson was a founding member of the Young Academy of Sweden 2011-2016. From 2011 to 2020 he served as vice coordinator for the strategic research program in regenerative medicine, StemTherapy, and 2020-2023 as co-director of the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine at Lund University. He was recently elected Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Medicine 2024-2026.
Board Member
Anna Fureby represents the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and is Professor at the Division of Food and Pharma at Lund University since 2023. Her research background is in surface ad colloid chemistry with application to food, pharma and personal care. Her research interests are in formulation and nano- and microstructre in foods and pharmaceuticals. She has a long background from the institute sector, where she has worked with research projects as well as applied research in collaboration with industry.
Board Member
Felix Roosen-Runge represents the Faculty of Science at Lund University. He is Associate Professor in Physical Chemistry and is expert on dynamical and static X-ray, neutron and light scattering methods in biological and soft matter as well as related analytical and computational modeling approaches. He is also vice-chair of the board of the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society.
Board Member
Life Science Director at MAX IV and represents MAX IV in the LINXS Board. Marjolein is an expert in structural biology using synchrotron radiation and her first use of synchrotrons dates back to the late 1980s.
Board Member
Senior Advisor at the European Spallation Source ERIC and representing it in the LINXS Board. Research background in membrane proteins, bioenergetic systems, metals in biology and proton transfer.
Board Member
Anders Karlhede is Senior Advisor on research infrastructure issues at Stockholm University and former Dean of its Faculty of Science. He is a theoretical physicist with a background in general relativity and supersymmetric theories and, more recently, in low-dimensional condensed matter systems.
Board Member
Hadiqa is the representative of the Science Student Union (LUNA). Hadiqa is a dedicated biochemist driven with a strong vision to tackle modern problems through innovative biological solutions. She enjoys connecting with people and volunteering!
Board Member
Nikol is the representative of the Science Doctoral Student Council (NDR). In her research at the division of Physical Chemistry she is studying the self-assembly behaviour of biologically relevant lipid systems at the water-air interface. She performs X-ray scattering experiments at large-scale facilities and has been trained in neutron techniques.
SAB Chair 2022-2025, SAB Member 2017-2025
Christiane is the Head of the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB). Her research focuses on the thermodynamics, structure and dynamics of molecular condensed phases, liquid, solid and amorphous. She is a leading expert in several experimental techniques and methods bridging the gap between time and space scales, improving theoretical concepts and analytical modelling.
SAB Member 2022-2025
Annette is an Associate Professor at the Department of Drug Design, University of Copenhagen. Her research projects are on structure and dynamics of complex macromolecular systems using several X-ray and neutron based techniques, as well as complementary biophysical studies. Her main focus is the study of amyloidogenic proteins and fibrillation processes using small angle X-ray scattering.
SAB Member 2022-2025
Alexandra is leading the X-ray nano-neuroimaging group at the European Synchrotron. With her team, she develops instrumentation and methods for image acquisition, reconstruction and analysis, together with sample preparation approaches tailored for nanoscale X-ray 3D bioimaging. By pushing the spatial resolution and scalability frontiers in coherent X-ray nanotomography, she aims to enable new types of inquiries into tissues and cells, with a focus on neural circuits..
SAB member 2022-2025
Jan Skov Pedersen is a Professor of Chemistry at Aarhus University, Denmark. His research is on physical chemistry of soft matter, colloidal polymers science, and biophysics with emphasis of application of small-angle X-ray scattering for structural investigations. His work also includes instrument and modelling methods development.
SAB member 2023-2026
Kristiaan Temst is a full professor in experimental physics at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Belgium. He is the past chairperson of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and he is currently the head of the Quantum Solid State Physics research unit. Apart from his position at KU Leuven, he also has a part-time appointment at the micro-electronics research center imec, also located in Leuven. His research interests focus on the MBE-growth and structural characterization as well as the magnetic, superconducting, ferroelectric, and vibrational properties of thin films, nanowires and nanoparticles. He is a frequent user of synchrotron, neutron, muon and ion beam facilities and serves or has served in many beamtime allocation review committees. He is currently the Chair of the ESFRI Physical Sciences and Engineering strategy working group.
SAB Member 2025-2028
Markus Braden is a Professor of Physics at the University of Cologne, Germany. His research interest is in transition-metal compounds with strong electronic correlations focusing on unconventional superconductors, the impact of strong spin-orbit coupling and multiferroic order. The group combines various X-ray and neutron scattering techniques to study the magnetic and crystal structure as well as the associated excitations with the growth of large single crystals. In collaboration with TU Munich the group constructed a cold triple-axis spectrometer optimized for polarization analysis.
Former SAB Member 2021-2024
Andrew is a Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford, a Tutorial Fellow of Oriel College, and Associate Head of the Department of Physics. He is an experimentalist with broad interests in the fundamental properties of quantum materials, especially superconductors, magnetic materials, and topological semimetals. His group uses neutron and synchrotron x-ray scattering techniques to investigate novel electronic ground states and associated physical phenomena.
Profile page at the university:
Former SAB Chair 2021-2023, former SAB Member 2017-2023
Stefan was a full professor (Soft Condensed Matter Physics) at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf. Interested in the physics of soft condensed matter, in particular its non-equilibrium behaviour. His research focused on the behaviour of colloidal systems under external fields, their relaxation to equilibrium, and metastable states.
Former SAB Chair 2017-2021, former SAB Member 2017-2022
Lise is a Professor and Head of the The Structural Biophysics Group at the
Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, Denmark. Her main research topics include biophysics and physical chemistry with the main focus on structural investigations of macromolecules and their aggregates in solution.
Former SAB Member 2017-2022
Marco is the Head of the SLS Tomography group
and Professor for X-ray imaging at the ETH Zürich. With his team, he is working on novel X-ray based instruments and methods for non-invasive investigations of samples at various length scales, ranging from single cells up to humans. Research areas encompass a host of X-ray based imaging techniques for biosystems and clinical applications.
LINXS Director
Professor placed at the Medical Faculty of Lund University in a tri-faculty appointment together with the Faculties of Science and Engineering. 2000-2022 I was on secondment to the Partnership for Structural Biology at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France, where I hold a Senior Fellowship and am Head of the Life Sciences Group. I was appointed to a personal Chair in Biophysics in 2004. Prior to that I was a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer in Physics at Keele.