Jacob Kirkensgaard

Jacob Kirkensgaard


Food WG 2 Member, Food Colloids and Structured Interfaces, LINXS Fellow

Jacob Kirkensgaard is Associate Professor at University of Copenhagen (UCph) and heading the research group Structural Food Physics and Soft Matter Self-Assembly jointly anchored between the Dept. of Food Science and the Niels Bohr Institute and affiliated with the Nano-Science Center. Jacob is a dedicated x-ray and neutron small-angle scattering expert both in relation to experimental execution and advanced data analysis. The group is hosting state-of the-art x-ray scattering equipment between the two institutes - in particular a brand new Xenocs Nano-Inxider combined SAXS/WAXS setup and a highly flexible Ganesha instrument allowing for a range of in situ studies to be conducted in-house. He also acts as the UCph branch manager of the danish LINX (Linking Industry with X-rays and Neutrons). He routinely goes to international large scale facilities to do neutron or synchrotron x-ray scattering.

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