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Niels Bohr Institute & University of Copenhagen PhD School: Small-angle scattering: Principles, data analysis and advanced modeling - LINXS related


Read more about the PhD school and register here

This course will introduce you to the methods of small-angle scattering using x-rays and neutrons. The course will have a strong hands-on approach using a mixture of lectures combined with simulations and walked-through analysis examples giving you direct experience with a range of the most common lines of attack for SAS data analysis. 

We aim to work on actual experimental data - either measured using University of Copenhagen's 3 different SAXS machines but could also be your own data from elsewhere - we will determine this upon your registration on the course. The course is evaluated through active participation, hand-ins during the course and also a final report.

The course is relevant for all fields of material science where structure on the nanoscale is important and for students aiming to use SAS in their project, for example polymer science, food science, plant science, nanoparticle research, soft matter physics, drug-delivery etc. The course allows up to 30 students - in principle first come, first served - but the organizers will evaluate suitability of all applicants. 

When: 18–23 August, 2024

Where: Niels Bohr Building in Copenhagen, Denmark

Main organisers: Niels Bohr Institute and the Dept. of Food Science at University of Copenhagen