Martin Bech
Martin Bech
Advanced Imaging and Data Analysis: Core Group Leader, LINXS Fellow
Core responsibility in Theme: Education, Competence, and Innovation
Associate Professor, Department of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Sweden.
Martin is Associate Professor at Medical Radiation Physics at Lund University. He has a scientific background in X-ray physics and specialized in X-ray imaging method development. Martin has a strong track record of grating-based X-ray interferometry for X-ray phase-contrast and X-ray dark-field imaging for imaging of organic materials at synchrotron radiation facilities, at conventional X-ray sources and at neutrons facilities. He has been an active member of the LINXS community since the start of the Imaging theme and is playing an active role in the development of a new beamline at MAX IV dedicated to tomography and imaging of organic materials. He has more than 10 years of experience in undergraduate teaching of ionising radiation and was co-founder and leader of the graduate research school “Imaging of 3D structures” organised across the faculties of science, engineering, and medicine at Lund University 2014-2019. In addition to user experience at multiple European synchrotrons, Martin is engaged in the proposal review panels at PETRA III and MAX IV. He has received research funding from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, from the Swedish Research council, and is currently PI on an ERC consolidator grant developing X-ray imaging instrumentation for bio-medical research.