Karina Thånell

Karina Thånell


Advanced Imaging and Data Analysis: Core Group member, Leader of WG 1 – Spectral Nano-imaging, LINXS Fellow

Core responsibility in Theme: Development of Spectral Imaging Pathway

Group Manager, Imaging Beamlines, MAX IV, and Beamline Manager, SoftiMAX, MAX IV, Sweden.

Karina is Group Manager of Imaging Beamlines and beamline scientist at MAX IV with a background in physics and spectroscopy. Her expertise spans a wide range of (synchrotron) techniques and sample systems. With contacts to a wide network of imaging specialists, her aim is to develop the user community, especially towards under-represented science areas. She is also the main organizer of the bi-annual X-ray Microscopy conference, to be held in Lund in August 2024.

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