Stephen Hall
Stephen Hall
Advanced Imaging and Data Analysis: Core Group member, Leader of WG 2 – Phase-contrast micro-tomography, phase retrieval, and reconstruction, LINXS Fellow
Core responsibility in Theme: Data Advancement and Instrument Development
Senior lecturer, Division of Solid Mechanics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden.
Stephen is a Senior lecturer at the Division of Solid Mechanics at Lund University and former director of LINXS. Stephen’s research covers a wide range of material questions with a focus on understanding the micro scale origins of material mechanics and coupled processes. He works with a wide range of experimental methods, including extensively with x-rays and neutrons and, in particular, imaging and other 2D, 3D and 4D full- field measurement approaches. Stephen runs the 4D Imaging Lab X-ray tomography facility in Lund and heads up the Swedish side of QIM. He has been very much involved in both the ESS and MAX IV projects, including being a member of the imaging and engineering STAP and currently as a SAC member for ESS. He has also been leading the push for a materials imaging beamline at MAX IV.