Oxana Klementieva

Oxana Klementieva


Advanced Imaging and Data Analysis: Core Group member, Leader of WG 1 – Spectral Nano-imaging, LINXS Fellow

Core responsibility in Theme: Sample preparation and method development

Associate Professor in Molecular Imaging and head of the Medical Microspectroscop Laboratory at Lund University, Sweden.

Oxana is an Associate Professor in Molecular Imaging and head of the Medical Microspectroscopy Laboratory at Lund University. She specialises in molecular imaging. Her research focuses on amyloid proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Oxana achieved significant breakthroughs in infrared multimodal imaging, particularly by pioneering an IR imaging approach for subcellular amyloid detection in AD transgenic neurons (Advanced Science, 2020; JACS 2023). Her group's innovations include the development of correlative nano spectroscopic methods for direct amyloid analysis in neurons, revealing a direct link between β-sheet formation and amyloid-β's pathological effects. From 2021 to 2023, Oxana also served as a co-director of LINXS, where she contributed to the development of the imaging network, with a specific aim of building a multimodal imaging community. In 2023, she furthered her impact by establishing a multiscale IR platform, which features cutting-edge instruments like OPTIR and NanoIR.

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