VIDEO - CoWork series - Playing with coherence in soft X-ray scattering, with Claudio Mazzoli

VIDEO - CoWork series - Playing with coherence in soft X-ray scattering, with Claudio Mazzoli
This talk present some opportunities of scientific investigation by micro-spectro-scattering in the soft X-ray regime, as implemented and developed at CSX, the Coherent Soft X-ray scattering beamline of NSLS-II (BNL).
Speaker: Claudio Mazzoli, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
The webinar is part of the LINXS webinar series, CoWork. The CoWork webinar series is dedicated to the exploitation of the coherence properties of X-rays for advanced materials characterization, with a special focus on inverse microscopy techniques, such as Coherent Diffraction Imaging (CDI), Ptychography and Holography.
In my talk, I will present some opportunities of scientific investigation by micro-spectro-scattering in the soft X-ray regime, as implemented and developed at CSX, the Coherent Soft X-ray scattering beamline of NSLS-II (BNL). The peculiarity of such an integrated approach in terms of space, time, penetration depth, energy scales, correlations, allows revealing unique properties and shining new light on a variety of interesting cases. Electronic orderings, inhomogeneities, self-organization, collective dynamics and interplay of degrees of freedom will be presented, together with some future ideas.
Claudio Mazzoli
PhD obtained from Parma University (Parma, I)
7 years at the ESRF (Grenoble, F) on the magnetic scattering beamline (hard x-rays), studying strongly correlated electron systems and frustrated magnetic phases;
in partial overlap with an invited professorship at the Univ. of Nancye (Nancye, F) for the investigation of piezoelectric materials (hard x-ray diffraction and resonant diffraction);
4 year at the Politecnico di Milano (Milano, I), focusing on the investigation of high temperature supercondutors by soft resonant inelastic and hard resonant elastic x-ray scattering;
6.5 years at NSLS-II (BNL, Upton, NY), Lead Beamline Scientist on the CSX beamline.