Tackling research questions at the absolute forefront – the impact of the Dynamics theme Dynamicsmarianne loor21 December 2021Dynamics
Using the instrument SAGA, researchers can gain unique knowledge about cell wall surfaces leading to innovation opportunities for industry Dynamicsmarianne loor2 December 2021SAGA GISANS
The ISB theme has progressed protein science and made it easier for disciplines to meet ISBNoomi Egan30 November 2021ISB
Watch lectures from LINXS/SwedNess PhD schools on Youtube or LINXS website Noomi Egan7 September 2021
Press Release: Top international researcher will maximise the potential of MAX IV and ESS Noomi Egan6 September 2021
The Northern Lights on Food conference highlights the need for a food network for scientists Northern Lights on FoodNoomi Egan21 June 2021Northern Lights on Food
Heart and Mind workshop highlights challenges and ways ahead for amyloid research ISBNoomi Egan21 June 2021ISB
Swedish Neutron Week was a great success to grow and engage the community ahead of the opening of ESS Noomi Egan18 June 2021
Reflections on LINXS webinar series: Science at Large Scale Research Facilities Noomi Egan18 June 2021