Reflections from LINXS Director
A warm welcome back from the summer!
LINXS did not really stop during the summer - but it is nice to see Theme events restarting with the 2nd Young Researchers’ symposium on Soft Matter on the 20th of September. This is followed by the first seminar in our new webinar series, Preparing for Beamtime, on the 24th of September. This will be presented by Dr. Diego Dreossi from the Elettra Synchrotron in Italy, and he will talk about X-ray CT in relation to resolution. The webinar series is a new initiative by the Heritage Science and Environment and Climate Themes, co-organised with LINXS Co-Director Emanuel Larsson. The goal of the series is to emphasise the importance of lab-based pre-scans with relevant techniques before beamtime in order to make the most of the experiment time at a synchrotron or neutron facility. The IPDD Antibody final meeting on the 25-26th of September will focus on the behaviour of monoclonal antibodies at high concentrations. The meeting will be led by LINXS Vice-Director Anna Stradner.
It is a pleasure to welcome Petri Kursula, Professor at the Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Norway, who will stay at LINXS for a long sabbatical during 2025, as part of the Chemistry of Life Theme. He is interviewed about his work and what he hopes to achieve during his time at LINXS. You are all very welcome to contact him during his period here.
We share articles and reflections from recent activities on our website, including some of the remarkable impacts from the New Materials Theme, which completed last year. They cover everything from educating new users in XAS, advancing ways to analyse magnetic SANS data, and collaborating on large numbers of beamtime sessions.
We can also share that we are about to open our National and International Theme call 2024 in October - so keep your eyes peeled for that!
Please note that the LINXS in The Loop inaugural event will occur on the 17-18 of June 2025, marking the move of LINXS into the Science Village. The registration for the event will open soon.
Finally, please share information about the postdoctoral researcher opportunities available within the AMBER project. The current call closes on the 29th of September and contains opportunities for a wide range of interdisciplinary projects concerning biological imaging over scales from molecular/atomic through to cellular, tissue and organ levels. The next call will open on the 2nd of December 2024, with an application deadline of the 23rd of February 2025. Please circulate to your networks!
LINXS Director Trevor Forsyth. Photo: Kennet Ruona.