LINXS welcomes its new Board Chair and members
Since the start of the year, LINXS has new members on its Board. We are delighted to welcome them, and to elicit their expertise in steering LINXS onwards for the next three years.
Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen, Professor at the Department of Physics at Lund University, and Director at the Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies, is the new LINXS Board Chair.
Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen is the new LINXS Board Chair.
– LINXS has developed enormously during the last few years, first as a meeting place for discussing new research ideas, but more importantly as a forward looking institute that creates strong networks that will pave the way to new research using MAX IV or ESS.
– As the chair of the LINXS board I look forward to seeing LINXS established at Science Village, and how the AMBER postdoctoral programme will strengthen and broaden LINXS reach, says Professor Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen.
The LINXS Board
Stacey Ristinmaa Sörensen
Board Chair
Professor in synchrotron radiation research
Jonas Larsson
Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Molecular Medicine
Anna Fureby
Represents the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and is Professor at the Division of Food and Pharma at Lund University
Felix Roosen-Runge
Represents the Faculty of Science at Lund University
Marjolein Thunnissen
Life Science Director at MAX IV and represents MAX IV
Sindra Petersson Årsköld
Senior Advisor at the European Spallation Source ERIC
Anders Karlhede
Senior Advisor on research infrastructure issues at Stockholm University and former Dean of its Faculty of Science
Axl Eriksson
Representative of the Science Doctoral Student Council (NDR)