What happens at LINXS in 2020?
We have a busy year coming up at LINXS! Here we present our list of events and activities to date for 2020. Please keep an eye on our LINXS event page for further events and details.
LINXS events and partner events in 2020
Events are open to all researchers from academia and industry.
LINXS Partner Event: GeoArchaeology try-out workshop at the Elettra Sincrotrone in Trieste, Italy - 13-14 February
LINXS Event - QUANTIM Hackathon: 3D visual annotations -12-13 March
LINXS Partner Event - SWEDNESS/LINXS Doctoral-level course on neutron imaging - 23-26 March
LINXS Event: Amyloid: an integrative approach working group workshop - 18-20 May
LNXS Event: Time-Resolved Structural Biology working group workshop - 25-27 May
LINXS Event - Workshop: An Introduction to surface x-ray and neutron scattering techniques - 22 June
LINXS Partner Event - 16th International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering (SXNS16) - 22-26 June
LINXS Event: Amyloid: an integrative approach working group: Bridging the Gap - 24-25 August
LINXS Event: Masterclass on Food - 31 August - 4 September
MAX IV User meeting (with LINXS session and stand) (taking place at Scandic Hotel Gastelyckan) - 21 - 23 September
ESS – ILL User meeting (with LINXS session and stand) (taking place at AF-Academic Society in Lund) - 23 - 25 September
LINXS Partner Event: Northern Lights on Food 2 - 7-9 October
LINXS Event: Amyloid: an integrative approach working group workshop: Clinical heart and brain - 19-20 November or 26-27 November
First half of December: concluding seminar for the Imaging Theme.
Participants at Northern Lights on Food 2019. Photo: Emelie Hilner. Max IV.