LINXS Kickoff programme finalised and registration closing today

Deadline (today) Thursday the 21st of Sept!

The first day starts of with framing the strategic vision of LINXS in the context of developments in the Brunnshög area.

With already 160+ of max 180 people registered and the final places filling up soon, registration will end when 180 participants is reached or by the end of tomorrow Tursday the 21st of September.


Stacey Sörensen - Acting deputy Vice Chancellor of Lund University and Pro-Vice Chancellor for research and research infrastructure.

Peter Schurtenberger - Director of the LINXS Centre and Professor of Soft Matter systems.

Olov Sterner - Dean of the Faculty of Science and Professor in Organic Chemistry.

Colin Carlile - Former Director of Institut Laue Langevin and the ESS.

Tomas Lundqvist - Life Science Director, MAX IV.

Sofie Björling - Director of Department of Research Infrastructure, Swedish Resarch Council (VR).

Andreas Schreyer - Science Director, ESS

Christoph Quitmann - Director, MAX IV

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Martin Stankovski