Welcome to the 3rd LINXS Integrative Structural Biology symposium which is scheduled to take place in Lund, Sweden, on May 4th 13:00 - May 6th 13:00, 2022.
LINXS (Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-Ray Science; www.linxs.se) is an institute in Lund whose mission is to promote science and education focusing on the use of neutrons and X-rays. The theme Integrative Structural Biology (www.linxs.se/integrative-structural-biology/) was established in 2018 to promote work that will make it easier for the life science community to use and combine different structural biology methods. This is achieved by organizing meetings and workshops to highlight recent developments and the complementarity of different techniques, in particular important developments in the most challenging areas, and to initiate discussions and work in areas that can contribute to the development of integrative structural biology.
In November 2018, the LINXS Integrative Structural Biology theme held its first symposium, attracting more than 120 participants and in 2019 the second symposium was held with similar amounts of participants. We are now following up these highly successful events with a third symposium where we once again aim to highlight cutting-edge research within structural biology and to inspire and encourage new and old users to use an integrative approach to address key scientific questions.
When: May 4th 13:00 - May 6th 13:00, 2022
Where: at Kulturen museum (https://www.kulturen.com/welcome-kulturens-museums/)
Participation fee: 1000 SEK (100 EUR) for senior researchers & 700 SEK (70 EUR) for PhD students and Postdoc
Key dates:
Deadline for abstract submission (both contributed talk and poster): April 13, 2022
Registration deadline: April 27, 2022
Payment deadline: May 3, 2022
Who should attend and present
The program is centered around invited internationally leading keynote speakers, that will be mixed with shorter contributed talks selected from the submitted abstracts (expected for PhD-students and postdocs), as well as a poster session.. The target group is researchers from academia as well as researchers from industry and large-scale facilities such as MAX IV and ESS. Both experienced specialists and researchers with more recently established interests in integrative structural biology are expected to greatly benefit from the symposium.
Keynote speakers
Richard Neutze (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Vanessa Ruta (The Rockefeller University, USA)
Michelle Krogsgaard (New York University, USA)
Paula Booth (Kings College London, UK)
Anne Imberty (CNRS, France)
James Naismith (Rosalind Franklin Institute & University of Oxford, UK)
Christopher Bahl (Institute for Protein Innovation, USA)
Gunnar von Heijne (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Sara Linse (Lund University, Sweden)
Julian Gillmore (University College London, UK)
Kulturen open-air museum in Lund
Adress: Tegnérsplatsen 6, 223 50 Lund
Photo: Viveca Ohlsson, Kulturen